Why Strawberries are good for you?



Why strawberries are good for you? Read on and I will show you why?


I love healthy fruits and vegetables. I just love it but strawberries really started to get interesting to me when I saw how my 1-year-old daughter just loves strawberries. You can put down a whole box of strawberries and she will kill it, so I had to write a blog about why strawberries are good for you?


So with this blog ‘why strawberries are good food you’ I will make sure all you strawberry lovers have a simple, relax read on why strawberries are good for you?


So let’s crack on not too much chit chat and let me show you why strawberries are good for you

Amazing benefits of strawberries 


  •    Strawberries are high in fibers which helps the digestive system so great for individuals with constipation or irregular stools
  •    Strawberries help your skin to stay younger because of it so full of vitamin C which is very important for the production of collagen
  •    Because full of vitamin C it’s a great boost immunity
  •   Because of its Vitamin K, Potassium, manganese it can help improve bone health
  •   Strawberries are a great source of antioxidants and diets rich with antioxidants have been associated with: immune systems, cardio health, brain functions, blood sugar stability and the list go on. 

Did you know that


There are 3 types of strawberries

  • June-bearing strawberries
  • Everbearing strawberries
  • Day-Neutral


There are more than 103 species of strawberries

Belgium has a museum just for strawberries – Le muse de la Fraise

Strawberries are the only fruit who wear their seeds on the outside

Strawberries are members of the rose family. Don’t believe just smell them?

That technically a strawberry is not a berry. As a berry has the seed on the inside which the strawberry officially doesn’t have.

Where to buy strawberries?


You can buy strawberries in your local but if you would like to have so much more I would suggest you buy them from your local markets. You literally get so much more for a better price. 


Healthy strawberry idea


Strawberries in salads

I never heard of it until a friend of mine shared it with me and I was hooked. Strawberries in salad really it maybe sounds strange but it’s really delicious.




So what can I say about Strawberries? Strawberries are amazing and especially in this nice hot weather strawberries are a must.


Go outside enjoy the nice weather, go for a nice picnic with your loved ones, music and laughter and enjoy this beautiful fruit which everyone can enjoy


So there you have it why strawberries are good for you?


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me and leave a comment below, I’m here to help you. If you have any feedback please let me know and leave comment below so I can improve myself helping you achieving and enjoying your goals.


God Bless,


Mitchell Balker








Author of the blog: Why strawberries are good for you

Founder of the website: https://healthyfoodplanning.com/

Email: mb@healthyfoodplanning.com









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