Love fast healthy snacks

Like the title say’s it: I love to have fast healthy snacks 🙂

So with this blog, I will keep it simple and will not overload you with millions of ideas but will keep it very simple and give you 3 fast healthy snacks idea’s because we live in a fast pace world.

But to be serious it’s not hard to prepare or buy fast healthy snacks, you just need to think outside the box and plan your daily, weekly meals.

We all know how easy it is when we are on work and we feel those salty/sweets gravings coming up how easy it is to go to that vending machine in the hall way or wherever that machine of sin is:) and buy things you will regret once you finish it because you haven’t read my fast healthy snacks blog:)

But no worries I forgive you:) but now you have read the fast healthy snacks introduction let me help you out with 3 fast healthy snacks ideas:

Fast healthy snack number 1# 

Mr or Mrs. Carrot:) with houmous 

I know this might sound so boring to you fast food and wrong food addicts:) but it is healthy, ridiculously cheap, delicious and the biggest plus is, it is good for your health.  So the night before you need to go work always make sure you have 1 or 2 carrots and a tin of houmous in your bag.

Did you know: That carrots are rich in Vitamin A which promotes eye health great huh:)

That carrots are rich in Vitamin A which promotes eye health great huh:)

Cut or break a carrot in two and look what the inside of a carrot looks like, exactly like an eye pupil, you never paid attention to that huh, now you know:)



Fast healthy snack number 2#

Almonds and dried cranberries mix 

I really love this snack and it is so easy to prep. Just mix up some unsalted almonds and dried cranberries, mix it up, put it in a small container and there you have it an amazing snack which lasts longer and on the long road is much healthier and cheaper than going to that sin (vending) machine every day:)

Did you know that:

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and one of the so many great benefits is the Vitamin E makes your hair thicker look healthier and fresher.

Dried cranberries are low in fat and a great source of vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin C which is great for skin, muscles, and bones. 

Fast healthy snack number 3#


This snack is so easy and so cheap but unfortunately, people spend so much money on sugars that are so unhealthy. So next time you’re thinking about that snicker grab a banana boringggggg:) no really grab a banana:)


Did you know that:

  • Banana is rich in Vitamin B6 which helps maintain a healthy metabolism, nerve and liver function and so much more how great is that:)
  • On an average, a banana contains only 119 calories.
  • Banana’s are naturally fat and cholesterol free.





So there you have it 3 simple, healthy fast snacks which you can implement in your daily, weekly meal planning without any excuses enjoy:)

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m here to help you. if you have any feedback please let me so I can improve myself helping you achieving and enjoying your goals.


God Bless



Author of: Love fast healthy snacks blog
Founder of the website:

Great tip of the day; BUY GROCERIES ONLINE!

Yes, I said it buy groceries online:) 

No all jokes besides but in this era where we live in you can do so many things online, online banking, online shopping, follow online courses etc. and now we can even buy groceries online and it gets delivered to your doorsteps wow amazing!

Keep reading pros& cons are on their way:)

The Horror:

I used to live somewhere in London where I had to take the bus to get to a big grocery store like Asda to buy groceries because we did not discover the pleasure of how to buy groceries online. So every Saturday it was the same story my wife and I moaning, complaining and pro casting BIG time not wanting to spend our precious Saturday in the grocery store and then had to go back home.

I can still remember it as it was yesterday: 

And then that special day came: it was a hot and sunny day:) we ordered our grocery the evening before, picked our slot for the next day delivery and then the bell rang: Asda delivery. I opened the door a friendly delivery guy with a trolley gave me all the groceries, I signed and off he went.

My wife and I were still in an open jaw position when we did realize we have all of our groceries in-house in just 5 minutes, I will never ever forget that special day:) We had discovered to buy groceries online Hallelujah:)

The pro’s & cons of online shopping: 

So for all you survivors who still have to travel to buy groceries or people with absolutely no time at all to buy groceries, I present to you: pros and cons of online shopping whoop whoop🙂 


• It saves time– no more traveling, busy groceries shops, long queues etc. That Saturday morning is yours again.
•  It saves gas money – if you’re driving
•  Quality and Freshness– Stores try to send their best products
•  Delivery- Delivery to your front door how cool is that!
•  The end of overspending– No more going in grocery store with a list eventually going out with so many other nice things you weren’t planning to buy- You know what I’m talking about:) + when you online shop you can always see what the status of the amount is so this will also stop you from overspending.



• Substitute– When things might be out of stock they grocery might give you a substitute option.
•  Discount products– Unfortunately, no discount which you can find a lot when grocery stores heading to the closing time.
•  No quality check for yourself– Unfortunately no products you can check before you buy them because you’re not physically in the shop yourself.
•  Tempting– Depends on how big your budget is but it is very easy to just click on everything if you know what I mean:)

So there you have it online grocery shopping made easy just for you:) 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m here to help you.

if you have any feedback please let me so I can improve myself helping you achieving and enjoying your goals.

God Bless!

Founder of: Great tip of the day; buy groceries online!

Founder of the website:


Healthy living , Weekly shopping


Healthy living, Weekly shopping


Even when we’re not in the mood or that couch is waaay too comfy, we all know that we have to get it: OUR WEEKLY GROCERY SHOPPING!
So within this post I will give you 4 great weekly shopping tips for your weekly shopping, you can call me your weekly shopping guide if you want:)

  1. Never leave your home without a shopping list:

Yes, you know why because most of us are impulsive buyers no judging of course:)
Helps weight loss because you just buying what is on the list and not more.

2. Never ever go shopping with an empty stomach:
Why? back to the impulsive buying because if you do I can tell you right now you will regret it because we all know that once we are hungry were not that strong mentally walking near the sweets and crisps shells:) 


3. Don’t buy an overload of fruit and vegetables:
Fruit and vegetables have so many benefits for us but to buy an overload of this in just 1 day is such a shame because you will find out you probably will not eat everything which means you end up throwing all that hard earned money away.


4.Plan your weekly groceries shopping for the next week:

If you are shopping yourself this is a must. Planning a week of meals is so essential for living a healthier life style every single day of the week and saves so much money than just being a compulsive buyer. Don’t believe me? just check your bank account following these 4 easy steps you can thanks me later:)

OK, these are very simple but oh so important healthy life style tips on how you can maintain a healthier life when going for your shopping.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m here to help you. if you have any feedback please let me so I can improve myself helping you achieving and enjoying your goals.

God Bless

Author of the blog: Healthy living, weekly shopping

Founder of the website:
